resulted from revenue decrease from the sale of plastic woven bag from the effects of the recessions of economic circumstance since the beginning of the year, combine with the drought condition which
bag of Thai words was developed for analyzing wordings in the KAM sections of 334 Thai-listed firms during 2016–2017. Literature review – The informative value of KAMS KAMs - Areas of higher assessed
still have a cost of compensation and early retirement of employee during the woven bag production base relocation. But in overall the expenses still less than in 2018. 5. Loss from sales and asset’s
revenue decrease from the sale of plastic woven bag from the effects of the recessions of economic circumstance since the beginning of the year, combine with the drought condition which affected the
addition, prepare marketing and sale plan to expand customer base of flexible packaging and plastic woven bag. All the time, Development as mentioned above, The company has improved its performance. It is
registered capital of Baht 400 million and paid-up capital of Baht 300 million. VAVA is a leader in the production of big bag and packaging industry with modern machinery and team with over 20 years of
ทางดา้นการผลติกระสอบ Big bag และอุตสาหกรรมบรรจุภณัฑ ์ ดว้ยเครือ่งจกัรทีท่นัสมยั และทมีงาน ทีม่ปีระสบการณ์กวา่ 20 ปี มโีรงงานผลติบรรจุภณัฑจ์าํนวน 3 โรงงานไดแ้ก่ โรงงานผลติ 10 กระสอบ Big bag โรงงานผลติ
วาวา แพค จ ากดั (“วาวา”) 1. ขอ้มลูทัว่ไปของวาวา วาวา จดัตัง้ขึน้เมื่อปี 2540 ดว้ยทุนจดทะเบยีนจ านวน 400 ลา้นบาท และทุนช าระแลว้จ านวน 300 ลา้น บาท เป็นผูน้ าทางดา้นการผลติกระสอบ Big bag และอุตสาหกรรม
1997 with a registered capital of Baht 400 million and paid-up capital of Baht 300 million. VAVA is a leader in the production of big bag and packaging industry with modern machinery and team with over
information on VAVA VAVA was established in 1997 with a registered capital of Baht 400 million and paid-up capital of Baht 300 million. VAVA is a leader in the production of big bag and packaging industry with