5.41 (0.37) (3.32) 3) Facial cleansing 13.16 3.47 21.95 11.02 8.79 66.79 4) Body cleansing 33.69 8.89 14.59 7.33 (19.10) (56.69) 5) Sunscreen 8.16 2.15 5.46 2.74 (2.70) (33.09) 6) Giftset 16.76 4.42
279.01 73.62 (125.56) (31.04) 2) Body care 16.55 3.19 11.12 2.93 (5.43) (32.81) 3) Facial cleansing 27.47 5.29 13.12 3.46 (14.35) (52.24) 4) Body cleansing 45.69 8.80 33.70 8.89 (11.99) (26.24) 5
) (26.61) 2) Body care 21.68 8.31 8.63 4.50 (13.05) (60.19) 3) Facial cleansing 38.81 14.87 23.04 12.01 (15.77) (40.63) 4) Body cleansing 24.25 9.29 14.27 7.44 (9.98) (41.15) 5) Sunscreen 7.16 2.74 1.65 0.86
478.42 3) Facial cleansing 12.37 3.20 9.54 4.39 (2.83) (22.88) 4) Body cleansing 22.20 5.74 10.23 4.70 (11.97) (53.92) 5) Sunscreen 8.88 2.30 7.84 3.61 (1.04) (11.71) 6) Giftset 29.03 7.51 16.66 7.66
2017 2018 THB mm % THB mm % Sale Revenue 1. Revenue from selling product under Company’s trademark 1) Facial skincare 296.9 82.7 308.6 79.8 2) Body care 3.8 1.1 1.4 0.4 3) Facial cleansing 21.6 6.0 12.4
) Skincare 58.24 16.67 70.27 22.73 12.03 20.66 2) Cleansing 24.47 7.00 30.13 9.74 5.66 23.13 3) Sunscreen and Cosmetic 4.12 1.18 3.45 1.12 (0.67) (16.26) 4) Personal Equipment 85.08 24.35 119.08 38.51 34.00
) (43.45) 2) Cleansing 18.57 8.54 30.51 14.34 11.94 64.30 3) Sunscreen and Cosmetic 7.84 3.60 10.19 4.78 2.35 29.97 4) Personal Equipment - - 32.75 15.39 32.75 - 5) Consumer goods - - 23.09 10.85 23.09 - 6
services and rental Cost of services and rental mainly consists of service costs for security and cleaning services in the project areas e.g. cleansing the solar panels, cutting the grass, taking care of
on level ground and slope surfaces. The Hi Active Cleansing additive keeps the fuel injector cleaner than before leading to the fossil fuel engine being fully utilized and prolonging the life of the
เรยีบและทางชนั พรอ้มสาร Hi Active Cleansing ช่วยใหห้วัฉีดสะอาดขึน้ใหเ้ครื่องยนต์ จุดระเบดิเผาไหมไ้ดเ้ตม็ประสทิธภิาพ รกัษาอายุของเครื่องยนตใ์หย้าวนานยิง่ขึน้ และดว้ยมาตรฐาน EURO 5 ลดการ ปล่อยมลพษิ ค่าก