business performing their duties in any of the following functional fields shall have the qualifications, possess no prohibited characteristics, or obtain an approval [from the SEC Office], as the case may
shall have the qualifications, possess no prohibited characteristics, or obtain an approval [from the SEC Office], as the case may be, as prescribed in this Notification: (1) managing, determining
shall have the qualifications, possess no prohibited characteristics, or obtain an approval [from the SEC Office], as the case may be, as prescribed in this Notification: (1) managing, determining
of the month of December 2014. In case the person under the first paragraph has failed to obtain an approval from the SEC Office within the specified period, the intermediary shall remove the person
Office may prescribe other conditions for the derivatives broker to comply with. Clause 10. The derivatives broker shall procure personnel who are knowledgeable, capable or experienced and who are
or permanent basis. In this regard, the SEC Office may prescribe other conditions for the derivatives broker to comply with. Clause 10. The derivatives broker shall procure personnel who are
or permanent basis. In this regard, the SEC Office may prescribe other conditions for the derivatives broker to comply with. Clause 10. The derivatives broker shall procure personnel who are
for promoting and maintaining security, credibility, transparency and fairness in derivatives trading, as follows: (1) procure a derivatives trading system capable of supporting expected trading volume
principal asset to be invested definitely and shall demonstrate that it is ready to acquire such asset within sixty days as from the date when the establishment of the REIT is completed or as from the closing
lower manufacturing costs than the Company’s manufacturing costs, and certain groups of the Company’s customers reduced their contract manufacturing volumes with the Company in order to procure finished