’ proceeding to solve a problem. (4) proceed with the complaint in Clause 3 and Clause 4; (5) store evidentiary documentation involving the complaint and proceeding for no less than two years from the date of
. Moreover, the Ministry of Finance has no policy to extend the period for tax privilege. SEC, therefore, discussed this issue with SET and agreed as follows: 1. As specified by royal decree that
Administration announcement regarding temporary closing of the premises (Issue 2), the company has considered the safety of all shareholders which attendance the Meeting and to realize the measurement to prevent
maintain the duties and responsibilities of disclosing correct and sufficient information to investors for the benefit of their investment decision making. In the case where there are changes in law
?s Capital Market Supervisory Board (CMSB) today ordered TSFC to proceed as follows: 1. TSFC must increase its capital in the amount of not less than 279 million baht to maintain the legally required
seven days or by 5 March 2018. While being IFEC chairman, Wichai failed to have the company clarify to the SET the issue of B/E default circulated in the news at the time, which has caused IFEC to be
? financial position. Besides, such kind of loans could be related to money laundering and lead to inappropriate securities trading activities.? ?Part of the problem is in relation to credit lines given by
of Thailand (SET), and Mr. Kongkiat Opaswongkarn, Chairman of the Securities Analysts Association (SAA), co-announced at their joint press conference that ?The recent problem concerning rumors in
-stimulating competition and enhance stakeholder competitiveness; (3) to protect investor rights and maintain market confidence; (4) to establish robust operational and risk management systems; and (5) to expand
the registrar. The profit for the period therefore decreased as mentioned before. The Company has set procedure to solve the mentioned problem and believes that the ratio of net claim expenses over