SCB ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Feeder Fund ,Super Savings Fund : SSF | Offering Date : 19/07/2022 - 25/07/2022
ONE ASSET MANAGEMENT LIMITED|Specific Fund | Offering Date : 29/04/2014 - 09/05/2014
SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol said: “The SEC has the duty to supervise and develop the Thai capital market. One of our key responsibilities is to help increase businesses’ access to funding through capital market’s fundraising mechanisms and tools. To support liquidity of businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic who wish to raise fund using REIT buy-back, the SEC has considered exempting fees for application and filing submitted during February 1, 2021 and December 31, 2023. W...
บริษัท หลักทรัพย์จัดการกองทุนไทยพาณิชย์ จำกัด|กองทุนรวมที่มีนโยบายเปิดให้มีการลงทุนในกองทุนรวมอื่นภายใต้ บลจ. เดียวกัน | วันที่เสนอขาย : 11/12/2562 - 17/12/2562
fair value of the mining property rights over the two Indonesian mines. Moreover, no information was available with regard to the examination of the legal ownership of those mining property rights and
Bangkok, 16 November 2017 ? The SEC has notified Pace Development Corporation Plc. (PACE) to clarify the assumptions used in the fair value measurement of its investment in Pace Project One Co., Ltd
Bangkok, 8 December 2017 ? The SEC has granted Pace Development Corporation Plc. (PACE) the request for postponing the submission of the clarification regarding the assumptions used in the fair value
value chains. The event, co-organized with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand (SEC), Australian Embassy in Thailand and UN Women, was part of a campaign to celebrate International Women's
ONE ASSET MANAGEMENT LIMITED|Foreign Investment Fund : FIF,Specific Fund | Offering Date : 02/02/2015 - 10/01/2015