behavioral finance in issuing the regulations. For instance, the regulations governing investment consultants and investment planners making direct contact to the customers have been strengthened by requiring
, the Thai Bankers ' Association, the Association of Thai Securities Companies, the Association of Investment Management Companies, the Thai Financial Planners Association, and True Corporation Plc
Association, Association of Provident Funds, Thai Investors Association, Thai Financial Planners Association, and CFA Society of Thailand.
SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol said: "As capital market personnel, investment consultants, investment planners and investment analysts all have important roles to play. Therefore, the
Office. (4) giving advice through any media or at any seminars where the media owners, program owners, columnists, website hosts or seminar organizers arrange for derivatives advisers, being natural
hosts or seminar organizers arrange for derivatives advisers, being natural persons or natural persons approved by the Office and acting under responsibility of derivatives advisory service providers, to
hosts or seminar organizers arrange for derivatives advisers, being natural persons or natural persons approved by the Office and acting under responsibility of derivatives advisory service providers, to
, who registered as DJs. but also there will be live broadcast from Professional Content, which currently many organizers have been contacted and received a good response. According to the plan, Blue
, infrastructure fund managers; 3. Controllers, auditors, investment analysts/investment consultants/investment planners who have been approved to act as investment consultant for companies, including employees or
awareness of investment risks. Educational forums for industry personnel, e.g., investment planners, financial advisors and investor contacts, to expand their knowledge and skills will also be continuously