healthy financial position and sturdy debt service capacity with interest-bearing debt-to-equity ratio of 0.10 times. 2018 Outlook Maintain 2018 forecast, yet adjust down new hotels opening • Despite Boat
liquidity ratio was 1.35 times. The Company maintained healthy financial position and sturdy debt service capacity with interest-bearing debt-to-equity ratio of 0.09 times. 2019 Outlook 2018 was the final
and small business loan. Although, the non-performing loans affected profitability, but the Thai commercial banking system still remained sturdy. Credit Rating Land and Houses Bank Public Company
loan. Although, the non-performing loans affected profitability, but the Thai commercial banking system still remained sturdy. Credit Rating Land and Houses Bank Public Company Limited is assigned the
British Virgin Islands (BVI) and having Mr. Peh Pit Tat, with Malaysian nationality, as a director. Silom Road Limited is considered a corporate investor with a stable financial position who is able to
Islands (BVI) and having Mr. Peh Pit Tat, with Malaysian nationality, as a director. Silom Road Limited is considered a corporate investor with a stable financial position who is able to invest in the
, equipment and materials by the employer, except pile. Remark : - GS has revenue from sand sale. The result of the excavation during the pit for raw water. To produce tap water. After the digging of the pond
shares ทีจ่ดัตัง้ขึน้ใน The British Virgin Islands (BVI) และ มนีาย Peh Pit Tat สญัชาตมิาเลเซยี เป็นกรรมการของบรษิทั ถอืเป็นนักลงทุนประเภทนิตบิุคคลทีม่ฐีานะทางการเงนิ มัน่คง และมศีกัยภาพในการลงทุนไดจ้รงิ ที
ทีเ่สนอขายภายในวนัที ่31 ตุลาคม 2561 Silom Road Limited เป็น บรษิทัทีจ่ ากดัความรบัผดิโดยหุน้ (company limited by shares) ทีจ่ดัตัง้ขึน้ใน The British Virgin Islands (BVI) และมนีาย Peh Pit Tat สญัชา
, except pile. Remark : - GS has revenue from sand sale. The result of the excavation during the pit for raw water. To produce tap water. After the digging of the pond, GS will have no such income. - All