Baht 16.66 million as revenues from reduction of defaulted interest under the Appeal Court’s order and the case is under the execution to seize such land for sale by auction. 2. Cost of sales In Q3/2018
Baht 16.66 million as revenues from reduction of defaulted interest under the Appeal Court’s order and the case is under the execution to seize such land for sale by auction. 2. Cost of sales In Q3/2018
Baht 16.66 million as revenues from reduction of defaulted interest under the Appeal Court’s order and the case is under the execution to seize such land for sale by auction. 2. Cost of sales In Q3/2019
Baht 16.66 million as revenues from reduction of defaulted interest under the Appeal Court’s order and the case is under the execution to seize such land for sale by auction. 2. Cost of sales In Q3/2019
and claims on loans are in the total amount of Baht 523,972,388.85. After the Ordinary Shares Disposal Transaction is completed, the Disposed Joint Venture Companies shall seize from being a joint
% per annum, total amount of Baht 16.66 million as revenues from reduction of defaulted interest under the Appeal Court’s order and the case is under the execution to seize such land for sale by auction
letter to seize assets according to the process. At present, it is under investigation process to find the defendant’s assets. 1.2 Muse Group Bangkok Co., Ltd. is a debtor in the Hiring Contract for Golf
under the execution to seize such land for sale by auction. 2. Cost of sales In the year 2018, the cost of sales amount Baht 127.43 million, decrease of Baht 163.03 million or 56.13% compared to the last
Tower 21st Floor, Ratchadapisek Road, Klongtoey Subdistrict, Klongtoey District, Bangkok, 10110 Tel. 0 2204 2601 Fax. 0 2204 2616 has already issued legal enforcement letter to seize assets according to
plaintiff to enforce payment in the full amount together with interest. As of now, the debtor failed to pay as sentenced so the court has already issued legal enforcement letter to seize assets according to