materials) where global demand is increasing at around 5%. With the acquisition of these leading downstream businesses consisting of both Ethylene Oxide and Indorama Ventures 2nd Quarter 2019 MD&A 4 Propylene
Oxides (ใชเ้พ่ือผลิตฉนวนกนัความ ร้อนและโฟม) ซ่ึงความตอ้งการทัว่โลกเพ่ิมข้ึนประมาณร้อยละ5 การเขา้ซ้ือกิจการปลายน ้ าชั้นน าซ่ึงมีทั้ง Ethylene Oxide และ Propylene Oxide คร้ังน้ี ถือวา่บริษทัก าลงัสร้าง
property development and an increase in Investment in joint-venture. Likewise, total liabilities grew by Bt5,598mn, or 37% from end of FY2016. This was a compound effect of the following transactions: a
Investment in joint-venture. Likewise, total liabilities grew by Bt6,719mn, or 45% from end of FY2016. This was a compound effect of the following transactions: a) Increase in Debentures and Financial
increased 8% from snack and confectionary and food Ingredient such as raisin, margarine and chocolate compound. Industry products increased Baht 10 million or increased 6%, from margarine, dextrose, egg
Source: TCFD Status Report 2022 ‘Governance’ is the most implemented element of the four pillars, while the largest proportion of the surveyed asset managers is in the process of implementing ‘Metrics and
full understanding of the specific circumstances of the investee company and identify concerns about its performance, governance or risk management. Voting is an element of engagement – and responsible
an important element of being accountable to Stakeholders – all interested parties including those affected or potentially affected in future by the Enterprise’s decisions and activities. It also helps
reduce from Baht 25.8 Million in 2015 to Baht 14.8 Million in 2017, or representing a declining Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of (24.3) percent per annum. Enclosure Page 4 of 9 Table of Percentages of
Ethylene and Propylene Oxide (EO & PO) ของบริษทั Huntsman (Spindletop); การขยายฐานการผลิตในตลาดอินเดียที่ก าลงัเติบโต; การสร้างทีมงานที่ดีเพื่อรองรับการเติบโตในธุรกิจรีไซเคิล PET, การมุ่งเน้นเพื่อเพิ่ม