SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol said: “Nowadays, digital assets are used for fundraising and trading. Also, Blockchain innovation and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) are applied to non-financial industries such as energy, arts, entertainment or sports whereby various assets are converted into digital tokens to enhance transaction efficiency and consumer accessibility. Regulators in various countries have expressed views and laid out guidelines for digital asset oversight t...
The move follows SEC hearing at the end of 2018 on the amendment of the regulations on the maintenance of capital of investment management companies that manage property funds and infrastructure
SEC is proposing to amend the regulations on the capital requirements for asset management companies that manage property funds or infrastructure funds, trust managers and trustees of REITs or
Facebook Page อ้างชื่อ Manage Mutual Funds - ยังไม่ได้รับใบอนุญาตธุรกิจหลักทรัพย์/สัญญาซื้อขายล่วงหน้า (วันที่เปิดเผยข้อมูล : 02/09/2567)
Facebook Page ชื่อ Manage future trade - ยังไม่ได้รับใบอนุญาตธุรกิจหลักทรัพย์/สัญญาซื้อขายล่วงหน้า (วันที่เปิดเผยข้อมูล : 16/07/2567)
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