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year, and from the provision of employee benefit for retirement, a non-recurring item classified under administrative expenses. Excluding the non-recurring items and the performance of residential
% YoY from the same period in the previous year (YoY). Excluding the non- recurring items and the performance of residential business, total revenue increased 8.9% YoY and net profit increased 12.3% YoY
recognised non-recurring items comprising of 1) COMASS’s acquisition related expenses of THB 2mn and 2) Net gain from deferred tax adjustment of THB 4mn. As a result, net profit from operation increased by
26.9% TKS 285 326 (12.5)% TBSP 33 0.5 7,182% Non-recurring profit* 92 - 100% Non-recurring profit** - 213 (100)% Non-recurring loss A) - (212) 100% Non-recurring loss B) - (24) 100% Net profit for 2019
last year. Selling, General and Administrative expenses increased significantly by 78.6% YoY from THB 66mn to THB 119mn. In this quarter, the Company recognised a non-recurring item from loss on
&A”) rose by 58.1% YoY from THB 79mn to THB 124mn mainly from the aforementioned consolidation. In this quarter, the company recognised a non-recurring item from acquisition-related expenses of
are well known and have good reputation in the IC, and electronics industry. Provision is made of amounts outstanding over 90 days and amounts which the management believe may be doubtful. Accounts
reputation in the IC, and electronics industry. Provision is made of amounts outstanding over 90 days and amounts which the management believe may be doubtful. Accounts receivable days were 59 days in Q317