unused, outdated machines Baht 23 million. 1,361 1,327 1,204 1,456 1,302 1,240 1,205 1,174 9 (15) (124) (143) (52) (63) (35) (60) (200.0) (180.0) (160.0) (140.0) (120.0) (100.0) (80.0) (60.0) (40.0) (20.0
categories of social security income posted increased trend mainly fixed capitation, discharge type & complaint as well as social security check-up program. Average number of insured persons increased from
year 2020, social security (“SW”) revenue decreased by 7%. The decline was due mainly to the revocation of discharge type & complaint’s payment, the dwindling check-up items and the lower recorded rate
- business travel by taxicab only GRI 306-2 Waste by type and disposal method GRI 303-3: Water withdrawal GRI 303-4: Water discharge GRI 303-5: Water consumption Energy Water Greenhouse Gases Waste
Investors apply the Principles of this I Code. Principle 1.3 The Investment Governance Policy should specify that Institutional Investors must discharge their duties in compliance with applicable laws
. publicly disclose their policy on how they will discharge their stewardship responsibilities. 2. have a robust policy on managing conflicts of interest in relation to stewardship which should be publicly
176.41 65.92 168% หน้า 2 จาก 4 รายไดป้ระกันสังคมมแีนวโนม้เพิม่ขึน้ทกุรายการ โดยเฉพาะอยา่งยิง่คา่บรกิารรายหัว ค่า discharge type และค ารอ้งเรยีน ตลอดจนคา่ตรวจสขุภาพภายใตป้ระกันสังคม จ านวนผูป้ระกันตนเฉลีย่
5.84 40.07 Total Equity 13.07 24.80 24.91 Total Revenue 12.01 11.98 5.91 Net Profit 8.89* 2.72 (0.11) Remark: *IGEN-ENERGY booked profit from debt discharge amounting 9.61 million. 8. Expected benefit to
derivatives and the notifications issued thereunder, regarding deceitful, fraudulent or dishonest management of assets, failure to discharge the duty of care or duty of loyalty, or lacking of fiduciary duties
on to the seller’s remaining land. This resulted in shortage of rooms. Moreover, the four other buildings were 19 years old, which had never been renovated. The utility systems were outdated and run