extension for CentralPlaza Rama 2, based on a straight-line depreciation method for the duration of the new lease agreement. The incremental cost of rent and service is approximately THB 100 mn per quarter
ทำสัญญาซื้อขายล่วงหน้าเพิ่มเติมให้กับสินทรัพย์หรือตราสาร ทางการเงินที่เป็นสภาพคล่องดังกล่าวข้างต้น (เช่น ทำสัญญา Interest Rate Swap เพิ่มเติมให้กับตราสารที่เป็น straight bond เพื่อ hedge อัตราดอกเบี้ย
straight-line amortization method is applied until the expiry of the aforementioned land lease agreement. • Higher operating and depreciation costs of newly opened malls and renovated projects in 2017
straight-line amortization method is applied until the expiry of the aforementioned land lease agreement. • Higher operating and depreciation costs of newly opened malls and renovated projects in 2017
lease extension for CentralPlaza Rama 2, which was made at the end of June 2018. Based on a straight-line depreciation method for the duration of the new lease agreement, the incremental cost of rent and
rating at “A-” (Single A Minus), with “Stable” the rating outlook and affirms the rating of LH BANK’s hybrid Tier 2 capital securities at “BBB” (Triple B Straight) by TRIS Rating. LH Financial Group Public
. • Since 3Q18, CPN has recognized the cost of rent and services following the land lease extension for CentralPlaza Rama 2, based on a straight- line depreciation method for the duration of the new lease
rating at “A-” (Single A Minus), with “Stable” the rating outlook and affirms the rating of LH BANK’s hybrid Tier 2 capital securities at “BBB” (Triple B Straight) by TRIS Rating. LH Financial Group Public
extension agreement on June 28, 2018, which is effective until 2055 and 2060 (some parts). Hence, a straight-line amortization method is applied until the expiry of the aforementioned land lease agreement
are affected by the COVID-19 situation, on a on straight-line amortization basis throughout the contract duration of tenants amounted THB 839 mn and THB 168 mn of income tax expense on the rental