gather information on name, last name, nationality, occupation, residential address, contacting address, name of ultimate beneficial owner, name of ultimate controlling person, name of the entity
occupation or business is classified by anti-money laundering authority as high risk business/ profession; (7) a client who is categorized as higher-risk categories by the anti-money laundering authorities or
client whose occupation or business is classified by anti-money laundering authority as high risk business/ profession; (7) a client who is categorized as higher-risk categories by the anti-money
Reporting and Audit Oversight > Supporting Accounting Profession to be in line with International Standards Regulations SHARE : Detail Content Financial reporting and audit oversight 1. Supporting
regulations. Whereas the laws or regulations that are no longer necessary or outdated, or become obstacles to public livelihood or occupation will be repealed or revised to eliminate burden on people and
raise independence issues. (Non-audit service) 3. High Risk Industries Resource, extractive, mining, oil and gas industries : • The current issue is not necessarily going concern but the issue is more
% 13% 11% Undergraduated Degree 327 928 138 1393 74% 59% 58% 62% Master Degree or Higher 77 461 70 608 17% 29% 29% 27% Total 444 1573 238 2255 100% 100% 100% 100% Investor Types TotalEducation Occupation
reporting environment, the AARG must continue to be progressive and work closely with the profession to raise audit quality standards and provide reliable financial reporting in ASEAN.? _________________
SHARE : ASEAN audit regulators and audit firms discuss initiatives to raise audit quality and market transparency in the region Tuesday 16 June 2015 | No. 79 / 2015 Bangkok, June 16, 2015 ? ASEAN audit