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. Takenori Adachi None 2. Mr. Akira Nakamichi Directors who are related person None 3. Mr. Hirotaka Abo None 4. Mr. Takeshi Oshima Directors who are representative None 5. Mr. Yasumichi Tazunoki of major
. Takenori Adachi None 2. Mr. Akira Nakamichi Directors who are related person None 3. Mr. Hirotaka Abo None 4. Mr. Takeshi Oshima Directors who are representative None 5. Mr. Yasumichi Tazunoki of major
None 2. Mr. Akira Nakamichi Directors who are related person None 3. Mr. Hirotaka Abo None 4. Mr. Takeshi Oshima Directors who are representative None 5. Mr. Yasumichi Tazunoki of major shareholders None
Company overall. (11) Opinion of the Audit Committee and/or Company’s Directors that is different than the opinion of the Board of Directors : None (12) Opinion of the Independent Expert : None (13