slightly decreased compared to Q1–2019 by34.8 MB or 2.7%. This is because in Q4–2019, the Company had delivered many large-scale projects which are continually operated from Q2–2019 and Q3–2019. In terms of
future as the price of land tends to rise. Nevertheless, the land is large and requires a lot of capital to trade, the Company would probably require a longer period of time as well as greater financial
157.0 MB and 221.6 MB, respectively. This is because the Company had delivered many large-scale projects which had just been auctioned in Q1–2019. In fact, those large-scale projects had delayed their
extension of submission period due to the delay of appraisal report obtained from the appraisal company. In addition, since there are a lot of details, it takes time for the company to review the information
received many large-scale projects which took longer to process than the short-term project. As a result, at the end of the Q4 – 2019, the Company had quite a lot of the equipment and the work in process
. Lockdowns were enforced in many countries and some subsidiaries had to shut down its operation temporarily in Q2/2020. Customers’ orders also decreased, and shipments were postponed. However, the
gender equality, particularly in the role of women as leaders, with over 200 registered companies currently having female board members, accounting for as much as one-third of all registered companies
SEC issued an order to freeze their assets for a period of 180 days, which expired on September 8, 2009.As the case is still under the DSI?s consideration and involves a lot of evidentiary information
9, 2009, issued an order to freeze their assets for a period of 180 days, which will expire on July 7, 2009.As the case is still under DSI?s consideration and involves a lot of evidence, the asset
deadline extension will help a lot of personnel in the capital market business whose approval will expire by the end of this year as well as other affected parties, from business operators to training