, advice, and expertise Fair treatment TRANSPARENT Keeping parties informed about progress of cases Providing information about the process to build confidence RIGHTS-COMPATIBLE Outcomes and remedies must
-related information. Risk Management • Ensure business- and context-specific actions are included alongside the disclosure of material climate- related risks, to evidence the mitigations. • Explain how the
qualified by the rights of any other class of securities. F. Default Include information about the general types of events that would constitute a default, as well as the remedies that would be available in
information about the general types of events that would constitute a default, as well as the remedies that would be available in the event of default. G. Consequences of a Failure to Make Payment Disclose any
adequate remedies in place) 4.1.3 the Enterprise’s process of Stakeholder identification and involvement in decision- making 4.1.4 determination of material sustainable development issues and how these are
events that would constitute a default, as well as the remedies that would be available in the event of default. G. Consequences of a failure to make payments 1. Disclose any consequences of a failure to
damages through legal remedies or arbitration. 4.4 Delivery of informed voting decisions Institutional investors should make informed and independent voting decisions at investee companies, applying due
improvements on quality controls of audit firms with only few exceptions where the remedies of some deficiencies are unavoidably time-consuming due to the need to adjust the firms’ audit manuals and staff
firms share our views and objectives and have made much progress in resolving their deficiencies, with the exception of few findings whose remedies are time consuming in nature. The mechanics of how audit
แบบแสดงรายการขอมูลการเสนอขายหุนกูท่ีมีอนุพันธแฝง (แบบ 69-DEBT-SP-1) บริษัท .......... (ชื่อไทย/อังกฤษของผูเสนอขายหุนกูท่ีมีอนุพันธแฝง) ใหระบุขอมูลในหนาปกอยางนอย ดังตอไปน้ี 1. ลักษณะที่สําคัญของหุนกูท่ีมีอนุพันธแฝง (“หุนกู”) ท่ีจะออกภายใตโครงการน้ี ดังน้ี (1) ชื่อหุนกูตามโครงการ (2) ประเภทผูลงทุนที่เสนอขาย (3) ลักษณะสําคัญของหุนกู (4) ปจจัยอางอิง (5) มูลคาการเสนอขายตามโครงการ ทั้งนี้ ตองไมเกินมูลคาตามมติท่ีไดรับใหออกหุนกู (6) มูลคาไถถอนของหุนกู (7) อันดับควา...