. The revenue from In-patients department inclined by 27.9%, on the contrary, Out-patients department inclined by 20.3%. The number of both out-patient and in-paient were increased to 19.3% and 34.2
-patients department inclined by 24.6% and 8.9% respectively. Causing the increasing in the total revenue from Gastrointestinal diseases and seasonal diceases such as Nasopharyngitis, Influenza, Dengue Fever
were stemmed from both Wattanapat Hospital Trang Public Company Limited and its subsidiary. The revenue from Out-patients department was inclined by 20.1%, on the contrary, In-patients department was
declined by 4.6%, on the contrary, Out-patients department inclined by 7.3%. The proporation of In-patients in the Q1/2018 and Q1/2019 were 69% and 67% respectively, decreasing by 2%. The number of both in
changes were stemmed from both Wattanapat Hospital Trang Public Company Limited and its subsidiary. The revenue from Out-patients department was inclined by 26.1%, on the contrary, In-patients department
from both Wattanapat Hospital Trang Public Company Limited and its subsidiary. The revenue from Out-patients department was inclined by 25.0%, at the same direction, In-patients department was increased
30 July 2019 At: ACC/HO 017/19 Re: Management Discussion and Analysis for the Quarter of 2/2019 To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand In the second quarter of 2019, the Thai economy inclined