of 2018. The main reasons were: Revenues from circulation increased 7.34% with circulation revenues of comic books and children books increasing 0.92%. In addition, pocket books and consignment
circulation revenues of comic books and children books increasing 0.37%. In addition, pocket books and consignment products increased 10.35%. • Revenues from rendering of services decreased 68.82% due to less
ป้องกันตนเองจากภัยกลโกง พร้อมทั้งแจกสื่อความรู้ เช่น นิทานพ่อแม่สอนหนูรู้จักใช้เงิน สมุดบัญชีรายรับรายจ่าย comic book สินทรัพย์ดิจิทัลไม่รู้ไม่ได้แล้ว รวมทั้งของที่ระลึกเพื่อเป็นรางวัลให้แก่เด็กและเยาวชนที่
revenue of pocket books and comic books were of Baht 8.86 and 18.68 million increasing from more titles published and sold than last year. Revenue from rendering of services was Baht 2.58 million
Company Limited ("NINE"), an associate company of the Company which its business operations are publishing, creating and distributing publications and digital publications, i.e. pocket books and comic books
Limited ("NINE"), an associate company of the Company which its business operations are publishing, creating, and distributing publications and digital publications, i.e. pocket books and comic books as
due to its lofty international reserves. Meanwhile, Thai and US interest rates and bond yields were declining due to several factors. There were, for instance, political strife between North Korea and