performance of the Group Unit: Million Baht Q1’ 2019 Q1’ 2018 Increase (decrease) Variance (%) Total revenues 1,677 1,978 (301) (15%) Net profit 81 116 (35) (30%) The Group’s total revenues for the first
which showed net loss of 60.35 million Baht. The main reasons for the decrease was reduction in gross profit margin and some additional expenses for business expansion activities in subsidiaries. Best
, 2020 as follows; Revenue The company recorded total revenue of 701.66 million Baht for the period of 9 month of 2020, showing the decrease by 510.84 million Baht or 42.13% from the same period of the
decrease from the same quarter of the last year amount of THB 2.93 million or 28.81 per cent. The Company has operating profit of the equity holders of THB 7.01 million, a decrease of THB 1.06 million or
617.74 million bath decrease by 68.82 million bath or 10.07% decrease due to the main reasons of the reduction of restricted bank deposits (TR) with the amount of 30 million baht plus the reduced in
in Q3/2020 was 62.6% decreased by 2.1% from Q3/2019 and 60.6% in 9M/2020 decreased by 4.4% from 9M/2019. • The decrease in gross profit margin was mainly due to the reduction in total revenue from
THB 23.55 million, which represent a decrease of THB 5.17 million or 18.00 per cent, compared to the same quarter in 2017. The main reason are as follows; The Consolidated Financial Statement for the
million baht, respectively, due to the decrease in fair value of investment in equity securities which is in line with the decrease of the SET Index and the reduction of service fee income received from
September 2017 was Baht 235.69 million whereas Baht 356.85 million in the same period of last year showing a decrease of Baht 121.16 million or representing 33.95 % decrease. Those were the reduction of
or 10.77 % decrease. The significant decrease was a reduction of account payables of Baht 51.34 million representing 72.70 % decrease due to utilizing some capital increase amount for paying to account