profit for Baht (2 .1 6 ) million. Main reason was that, in Q3/2018, the company already had a renew contract from the main repeat customer who requested the company to prepare the training courses
. Management Service (“MS”) had a decrease in gross profit for Baht (4.85) million. Main reason was that, in Q1 /2 0 1 9 , the company already had a renew contract from the main repeat customer who requested the
is random and spread out. • Assign evaluation date to a randomly selected control group firms, then compute mean BHAR for the pseudo sample resulting in one pseudo sample mean. • Repeat previous step
โดยเฉพาะกรณีที ่ AI/ML ถูกนำมาใช้งานแบบอัตโนมัติ และ ไม่มีเจ้าหน้าที่เข้ามามีส่วนร่วมในการตัดสินใจ (Human-out-of-the-Loop) 16 (4) จัดทำสัญญาการใช ้งานที ่ระบุขอบเขตของงาน ความรับผิดชอบ ข้อตกลงระดับ การ
KAMs. Future studies should repeat the observations over a longer period. Second, we estimated daily expected returns using the five-factor pricing model by Fama and French (2015) and applied Pevzner, et
governance, strategy, and risk management processes and create a feedback loop over time in the same way that other key performance indicators and key risk indicators are used to inform business management
assortments to refresh current offerings and sourced for better high quality and relevant ingredients. • Research new products. Catering: • New recipes, leadership and marketing strategies have yielded repeat
offerings and sourced for better high quality and relevant ingredients. Research new products. Catering: New recipes, leadership and marketing strategies have yielded repeat orders and new customer
is material change in the records, the securities company shall repeat the process mentioned in Clause 9(1) and (2) as deemed necessary and shall re-classify the client’s risk accordingly (re
-going KYC/CDD process in the first paragraph. Also, where there is material change in the records, the securities company shall repeat the process mentioned in Clause 9(1) and (2) as deemed necessary and