Upon the review of the Securities and Exchange Act, SEC finds that certain provisions of the law do not support the issuance of debt securities under the current economic situations. For example, the legal requirement on minimum face value of debentures may be too high and hinder retail investors to access debt markets, or the prohibition of set-off can cause unnecessary procedures and fees to issuer who wants to rollover the matured debt into a new one or who wants to restructure terms and cond...
SEC proposes the amendment to Securities and Exchanges Acts in various aspects so that the law would be more flexible, able to keep pace with new development and suitable for actual use. It also aims to support the using of new technology in several activities in capital market, in particular fundraising, trading, and clearing and settlement. We believe that the embrace of innovation would promote the competition, align and enhance the supervision of alike activities, and provide investors with...
independent financial advisor views that despite the reasonable objectives of the proposed acquisitions, NBC’s shareholders should not grant an approval because (1) the sale price of “Komchadluek” assets and
at the 6th Future Investment Initiative in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Investment Initiative (FII) in Riyadh, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to exchange views and opinions on digital asset developments with
views on digital asset developments at the 6th Future Investment Initiative in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Investment Initiative (FII) in Riyadh, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to exchange views and opinions on
at the 6th Future Investment Initiative in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Investment Initiative (FII) in Riyadh, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to exchange views and opinions on digital asset developments with
developments at the 6th Future Investment Initiative in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Investment Initiative (FII) in Riyadh, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to exchange views and opinions on digital asset developments with
Riyadh, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to exchange views and opinions on digital asset developments with business leaders in the field, namely Sam Blatteis, Co-Founder & CEO of The https://www.sec.or.th/EN
Riyadh, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to exchange views and opinions on digital asset developments with business leaders in the field, namely Sam Blatteis, Co-Founder & CEO of The https://www.sec.or.th/EN
conversation on the topic, “Writing the Rules of Crypto” at the 6th Future Investment Initiative (FII) in Riyadh, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to exchange views and opinions on digital asset developments with