financial institution or a juristic person in a foreign country which has legitimacy to operate business in sale or acceptance of redemption of investment units under the law of such country and such
a financial institution or a juristic person in a foreign country which has legitimacy to operate business in sale or acceptance of redemption of investment units under the law of such country and
in a foreign country, the management company shall appoint a financial institution or a juristic person in a foreign country which has legitimacy to operate business in sale or acceptance of redemption
คุณสมบัติอื่น ได้แก่ ความถูกต้องแท้จริง (authenticity) ความรับผิด (accountability) การห้ามปฏิเสธความรับผิด (non-repudiation) และความน่าเชื่อถือ (reliability) ข้อ 3 เพื่อประโยชน์ในการปฏิบัติตามหลักเกณฑ์ที่
คุณสมบัติอื่น ได้แก่ ความถูกต้องแท้จริง (authenticity) ความรับผิด (accountability) การห้ามปฏิเสธความรับผิด (non-repudiation) และความน่าเช่ือถือ (reliability) ข้อ 3 เพื่อประโยชน์ในการปฏิบัติตามหลักเกณฑ์ทีก่ำ
other stakeholders on ESG issues 12 Building knowledge & skills Efficiency Enhanced power & legitimacy Example: Investor working group on sustainable palm oil 13 Source: PRI (2022), Investor Working Group
management company shall appoint an institution of finance or juristic person established in a foreign country which has legitimacy to sell investment unit or receive investment unit redemption under the law
], a management company shall appoint an institution of finance or juristic person established in a foreign country which has legitimacy to sell investment unit or receive investment unit redemption
], a management company shall appoint an institution of finance or juristic person established in a foreign country which has legitimacy to sell investment unit or receive investment unit redemption
management company shall appoint an institution of finance or juristic person established in a foreign country which has legitimacy to sell investment unit or receive investment unit redemption under the law