of 2019, this was the first time for the Company to use the largest event space of up to 3 halls, namely EH98, EH99, and EH100, along with the “Thailand Game EXPO” , the largest gaming gear and gaming
4.1 ประเด็นท่ีส านักงานเห็นควรปรับปรุงหลักการตามข้อเสนอแนะ (1) การก าหนดนิยามผู้ลงทุนกลุ่มเปราะบาง (“vulnerable investors”) ขอให้ก ำหนดนิยำมให้ชัดเจน และในกำรพิจำรณำว่ำเป็น vulnerable investors ไม่ควร ค
EXPO”, the largest gaming gear and gaming event in Thailand and “Idol EXPO” the most event that gathered famous Thai idol. The Company was overwhelmingly supported by all brand partners who attended the
lockdown in Thailand was lifted and business activities resumed in this quarter. However, economic recovery remained vulnerable as service sector continued to be impacted by the absence of foreign tourists
agreement for working capital purpose and preparing to get ready to produce for own sale again. For GJ Steel, production disruptions resulting from breakdown of critical gear and transformer so impact to
(ThaiCERT). Given the more sophisticated cyber risks, financial institutions as service providers, and customers as users, are increasingly vulnerable to losses. In terms of cyber security readiness, however
vulnerable to physical and transition risks, respectively 5.1 5.2 5.3 Re-evaluate own risk taxonomies and identify existing risk types that are affected by climate change (e.g., financial, strategic and
. Underserved, owing to a lack of quality access to essential goods and services 7. Unemployed 8. Women and/or sexual and gender minorities 9. Aging populations and vulnerable youth 10. Other vulnerable groups
. Unemployed 8. Women and/or sexual and gender minorities 9. Aging populations and vulnerable youth 10. Other vulnerable groups, including as a result of natural disasters There are several categories and sets
กำรลงทุนของลูกค้ำ 3.6 ก าหนดนิยามผู้ลงทุนรายย่อยท่ีมีความเปราะบาง (“vulnerable investors”) ได้แก่ ผู้สูงอำยุที่มีอำยุตั้งแต่ 60 ปีขึ้นไป ผู้ที่มีควำมรู้ทำงกำรเงินและกำรลงทุนอย่ำงจ ำกัด หรือไม่มี ประสบกำ