% Selling and administrative expenses (1,433) (1,441) (1,648) 15% 14% (2,645) (3,089) 17% Gain (loss) from crude and product oil price hedging contract (0) 1 233 N/A N/A 163 234 44% Gain (loss) from foreign
from narrower DTD/DB spread. Within this quarter there was an inventory gain of THB 241 million from the increase in crude price, but there was a loss from the crude and product oil price hedging
to an inventory gain of THB 856 million. However, there was a loss from crude and product oil price hedging contract at THB 75 million. Furthermore, the refinery planned to manage the stocks of
% -22% Gain (loss) from crude and product oil price hedging contract 1 46 (73) N/A -259% Gain (loss) from foreign currency forward contracts 37 17 - N/A N/A Gain (loss) on foreign exchange 271 227 172 -37
% 129 -37% 337 1,260 -73% Selling and administrative expenses (2,266) (1,730) 31% (2,148) 5% (7,614) (7,376) 3% Exploration and evaluation expense 4 (0.1) N/A (15) 128% (1) (45) 99% Gain (loss) from crude
(loss) from crude and product oil price hedging contract (73) (138) 29 N/A N/A Gain (loss) from foreign currency forward contracts - 95 (11) N/A N/A Gain (loss) on foreign exchange 172 52 57 N/A N/A Loss
% Selling and administrative expenses (1,785) (1,721) (1,897) 6% 10% (3,446) (3,618) 5% Exploration and evaluation expense (13) (4) (0.2) (22) (5) Gain (loss) from crude and product oil price hedging contract
and evaluation expense (11) (8) (15) 32% 75% (48) (45) -5% Gain (loss) from crude and product oil price hedging contract 46 (95) (138) N/A N/A 366 (442) N/A Gain (loss) from foreign currency forward
expense (0.1) (0.2) -33% (8) -99% (5) (31) -85% Gain (loss) from crude and product oil price hedging contract 6 (28) N/A (95) N/A 7 (304) N/A Gain (loss) from foreign currency forward contracts (4) 27 N/A
) 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 Q3/2560 Q2/2561 Q3/2561 ค่าการกลัน่พืน้ฐาน Oil Hedging Inventory Gain(Loss) Crude run 8.18 8.05 (TAM) 12.82 (KBD) 11 ค ำอธบิำยและกำรวเิครำะหข์องฝ่ำยจดักำร