Statement of Cash Flow (MB.) 2021 (01/01/21 -31/12/21) 2020 (01/01/20 -31/12/20) 2019 (01/01/19 -31/12/19) Accounting Type Consolidate Consolidate Consolidate Operating Cash Flow 378.49 411.45 306.53
institutions. The Company saw the debt to equity ratio at 0.15 times and the current ratio of 1.55 times. The shareholders’ equity The shareholders’ equity stood at 1,517.83 million baht, decreasing by 28.68
of goods sold (COGS) as mentioned. Statement of Financial Position Items As at 31st Mar, 2018 As at 31st Dec, 2017 + / (-) Current Assets 2,534.8 3,118.7 (583.9) Noncurrent Assets 3,285.4 2,425.3 860.1
by Baht 13.89 million - Inventories increase by Baht (4.61) million - Other current assets decrease by Baht 23.07 million - Paid for financial cost Baht (7.46) million 2. Cash flow from investing
current liabilities increase by Baht 1.24 million Employee benefit obligations increase by Baht 2.44 million Shareholders’ Equity Net operating loss for nine-month period Baht (6.94) million Cash Flow
- Other current assets decrease by Baht 20.45 million - Trade and other payable decrease by Baht (14.65) million - Paid for financial cost Baht (9.21) million 2. Cash flow from investing activity, net cash
receivable increase by Baht 7.03 million Other current assets increase by Baht 12.61 million Investment in associate decrease by Baht (8.29) million Property, plant and equipment decrease by Baht (15.37
flow before changing in operating asset and liability Baht (0.90) million - Trade and other receivable decrease by Baht 26.49 million - Inventories increase by Baht (7.00) million - Other current assets
increase by Baht 6.10 million Other current assets increase by Baht 8.45 million Investment in associate decrease by Baht (7.35) million Property, plant and equipment increase by Baht 653.15 million
: - Operating cash flow before changing in operating asset and liability Baht 28.28 million - Trade and other receivable decrease by Baht 8.93 million - Other current assets increase by Baht (6.58) million - Paid