market efficiency, fairness, transparency, and accountability by focusing on market confidence, reduction of systemic risk, and investor protection. Focuses of each area are as follows: Equity
market efficiency, fairness, transparency, and accountability by focusing on market confidence, reduction of systemic risk, and investor protection. Focuses of each area are as follows: Equity
market efficiency, fairness, transparency, and accountability by focusing on market confidence, reduction of systemic risk, and investor protection. Focuses of each area are as follows: Equity
of transparency and clarity in investment decision procedures of the AIMC members. In addition, the guidelines will serve as an enabler for the members? contribution in reinforcing corporate governance
, clarity and transparency of the SEC's operation: For example, the SEC strategic plan shall be consistent with the National Strategy, the National Economic and Social DevelopmentPlan as well as the
progresses in the areas of market supervision and development, such as quality enhancement of IPO issuers and listed companies, legal enforcement in various cases, and improved transparency and fairness in
convincing rationale and provide detailed explanation in the annual report. Unless extraordinary circumstances exist there should be a break in service between the roles, (e.g. a period of two years). 2.4
โปร่งใสของ ก.ล.ต. จัดประชุมออนไลน์เพื่อหารือเกี่ยวกับการเข้าร่วมการประเมินคุณธรรมและความโปร่งใสในการดำเนินงานของหน่วยงานภาครัฐ (Integrity and Transparency Assessment : ITA) และมาตรการส่งเสริมคุณธรรมและ
will advise the SEC regarding misconduct of securities analysts in accordance with professional standards thereby ensuring transparency and fairness of disciplinary procedures. This committee will
Acquisition of assets, determination of the meeting date, date to determine the name list of shareholders entitled to attend the meeting (Record Date) and agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of