346 37% 63% FY2018 33% 67% FY2017 1,386 1,802 Adjusted EBITDA Breakdown Operating Performance Exhibit 1 : Consolidated Company’s Performance UNIT: M THB 4Q2018 4Q2017 % YoY 3Q2018 % QoQ FY2018 FY2017
remains strong with low debt-to-equity ratio and high current ratio. Global Green Chemicals Public Company Limited Management Discussion and Analysis | 4 Operating Performance Exhibit 1 : Consolidated
specification complies with the government standard. Global Green Chemicals Public Company Limited Management Discussion and Analysis | 3 Operating Performance Exhibit 1: Consolidated Company’s Performance
บริษัท เพซ ดีเวลลอปเมนท ์คอรป์อเรชั่น จ ากัด (มหาชน) (“บริษัทฯ”) ขอชีแ้จงผลการด าเนินงานส าหรบัปีสิน้สดุวนัท่ี 31 ธันวาคม 2562 โดยมีรายละเอียดดงันี ้ Exhibit 1: สรุปผลการด าเนินงานทางการเงนิ 2 | P a g e
Performance Exhibit 1: Consolidated Company’s Performance comparison of 4Q2019 vs. 4Q2018 vs. 3Q2019 vs. FY2019 vs. FY2018 Note: (1) Adjusted EBITDA refers to EBITDA excluding impact of Stock Gain/(Loss) and
) show that in the U.S., trade prices tend to cluster around integers, half-dollars and quarters. Literature review • Round numbers have also been linked to cognitive limitations and investors’ tendency to
, it seems logical that a firm with stronger fundamentals would exhibit either higher persistence of earnings or larger subsequent earnings growth or both, and in turn higher prices. • Theoretically, I
among investors to cause excessive trading and Kyle and Wang (1997) show why this overconfidence may persist over long periods of time. Linking these two ideas could also explain why so many studies have
incentives encourage management to show a small amount of earnings increases and a series of consistently earnings increases. Ke (2004) documents the association between executive’s equity-based compensation
correlated to the discount rate. In addition, a number of studies show that firms conducting better CSR practices have cheaper equity financing and higher earnings growth (e.g., Ghoul and Mishra, 2011; Harjoto