ป้องกันและปราบปรามการทุจริตในภาครัฐ (ป.ป.ท.)* ในระดับดีเยี่ยม (Excellent) ในด้านการอนุมัติ อนุญาต เพื่อแสดงถึงความมุ่งมั่นในการขับเคลื่อนและให้ความสำคัญต่อการประเมินความเสี่ยงทุจริตของหน่วยงาน โดยได้รับ
0.38 4. Excellent Rubber Co.,ltd 141,272 3.85 12. Vitayasithi Co.,Ltd. 13,875 0.38 5.WBLP Co.,Ltd. 40,000 1.09 13. Thai Wacoal Plc. 13,875 0.38 6. Ramasorn Thaveekarn Co., Ltd. 23,125 0.63 14. Sariraporn
providers, to be able to operate their businesses with more liquidity and effectiveness. The regulations also help business providers to dedicate their resources into excellent and appropriate goods and
excellent platform to integrate IVL’s existing specialties business with Sinterama’s strong production base. The highly complementary portfolio, customer base and geographical footprint of the two companies
excellent period to understand that saving is a basic skill in life.” SEC booth will consist of a variety of activities that would teach kids how to spend and save their money, via the game “A Need or A
quality improvements in order to deliver an excellent customer experience. Being aligned with our business strategies, KBank and subsidiaries thus reported that net profit for the second quarter of 2019
Life Assurance Public Company Limited and our business partners, for service quality improvements in order to deliver an excellent customer experience. In keeping with changing customer expectations, we
our aspiration to become “Customers’ Life Platform of Choice”, meaning the most-preferred platform that can meet customers’ needs in every aspect of their lives, in order to deliver an excellent
Building Confidence in the Capital Market No. 179/2014 SEC notifies ABC to rectify Q3/2014 financial statements Bangkok, December 17, 2014 – The SEC notified Asset Bright Plc. (ABC) to rectify its Q3
, increased 16% YoY and 2.2% QoQ. AIS strives to deliver excellent service and quality with a focus on fixed-mobile-contents convergence (FMC) to deliver a superior experience for our customers amid the price