imposed by the company management in several matters including audit procedures to evaluate effectiveness of internal control over small-sized gas cylinders quantity, deposits received for small-sized gas
/ ( 30 2564) / 1 2563 15 2564 1 2563 1 2563 1 2563 1 2563 5 2564 1 2563 AIA-GAA 14 5th Percentile 5 (Top 5% performance) 25th Percentile 25 (Top 25% performance) 50th Percentile 50 (Median performance
2563 1 2563 AIA-GCA 12 5th Percentile 5 (Top 5% performance) 25th Percentile 25 (Top 25% performance) 50th Percentile 50 (Median performance) 75th Percentile 75 (Bottom 25% performance) 95th Percentile
- 5 2564 AIA-GMA 14 5th Percentile 5 (Top 5% performance) 25th Percentile 25 (Top 25% performance) 50th Percentile 50 (Median performance) 75th Percentile 75 (Bottom 25% performance) 95th Percentile 95
-2 1 N o v- 2 1 D ec -2 1 Ja n -2 2 Fe b -2 2 M ar -2 2 A p r- 2 2 M ay -2 2 Ju n -2 2 Ju l- 2 2 A u g- 2 2 Unrealized P/L Mean (฿) Median (฿) Bear Market Bear Market SEC Classification : ใชภ้ายใน
the assessment process to evaluate the qualifications of the applicants seeking licenses to operate digital asset businesses. If an applicant is qualified, SEC will propose Minister of Finance to issue
DJSI. If yes, assess whether the disclosure can be applied to TCFD 3.3 3.4 Evaluate internal risk management processes and consider whether they can be adapted to incorporate climate-related risks
system (KYC) that are appropriate to evaluate product risks against characteristics of each customer; - separate departments or personnel responsible for customer assets safekeeping from other operational
frameworks for recruitment of officers, remuneration determination, and evaluate the performance of the Board, the Capital Market Supervisory Board, the SEC office, the subcommittee and the Secretary-General
evaluate the quality risks, how many levels are determined, and what are the definitions for each level? For example, how many level of likelihood are there, and what are the definitions for each likelihood