as follows: - Management must constantly evaluate the progress of construction and compare the results with the plan. - In case there is any signal of incapability to complete the construction
investors to make use of CRA information and rating to evaluate credit risk of targeted instruments more efficiently and confidently,? said SEC Secretary-General Vorapol Socatiyanurak.
, who led the Thai WEPs Awards jury panel, expressed AWEN’s enduring support for female entrepreneurs. “AWEN Thailand has been proactive in building the networks of female entrepreneurs in Thailand
established internal control is rectified as follows: (1) monitor, inspect and evaluate the effectiveness of the operating procedures of the work unit responsible for the following functions by an independent
internal control is rectified as follows: (1) monitor, inspect and evaluate the effectiveness of the operating procedures of the work unit responsible for the following functions by an independent auditor
imposed by the company management in several matters including audit procedures to evaluate effectiveness of internal control over small-sized gas cylinders quantity, deposits received for small-sized gas
the assessment process to evaluate the qualifications of the applicants seeking licenses to operate digital asset businesses. If an applicant is qualified, SEC will propose Minister of Finance to
find supporting evidence to satisfy the audit procedures due to limitation on scope of audit imposed by the company management in several matters including audit procedures to evaluate effectiveness of
continuously conducted to learn of investor behaviors, evaluate knowledge level and satisfaction towards the SEC?s investor protection mechanisms. The feedback so obtained will be beneficial to the SEC?s
announced at the ASEAN Audit Regulators Group (AARG)'s 5th annual Audit Inspection Workshop held in Kuala Lumpur from 21 to 22 February 2017. The Workshop also saw AARG embark for the first time, on a long