hotels were temporary closed since the 2nd half of March 2020. To mitigate negative impacts and minimize effects on the Company’s performance, the Company is implementing a response plan and is continuing
Company’s performance, the Company is implementing a response plan and is continuing to monitor the situation closely in order to conduct the appropriate measures. For more details, please see section “COVID
as follows: - Management must constantly evaluate the progress of construction and compare the results with the plan. - In case there is any signal of incapability to complete the construction
investors, ESG disclosure requirements promote informational efficiency by providing accurate and timely ESG information for stakeholders to evaluate relevant ESG risks and opportunities. Moreover, the
potential impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities on the organization’s businesses, strategies and financial planning. The processes used by the organization to identify, assess and manage climate
Communications with relevant persons (7) Division 7 Cross-border communication (8) Division 8 Companies shall test and assess the BCP (Training, Exercising and Auditing) (9) Division 9 Examples of emergency
) Division 7 Cross-border communication (8) Division 8 Companies shall test and assess the BCP (Training, Exercising and Auditing) (9) Division 9 Examples of emergency incidents which may cause major
); (5) review procedures and processes in the management of information security incidents, after the testing under (4) is carried out, at least once a year; (6) evaluate the results of the testing under
) establish conditions and controls relating to information security in an agreement signed by both parties; (2) monitor, evaluate, review and audit service delivery of the outsourcee regularly; (3) re-assess
) establish conditions and controls relating to information security in an agreement signed by both parties; (2) monitor, evaluate, review and audit service delivery of the outsourcee regularly; (3) re-assess