privately our company-level engagement activities. (By contrast, we tend to work collaboratively with other shareholders on a policy level, such as advocating with regulators for better disclosure or stronger
Bangkok. In contrast the prices of agricultural products remain at a low level, albeit slightly improved. As a result, consumer spending in the agricultural sector continued to be slow. Sales at HomePro in
2018, HPC recorded gain on exchange rate in the amount of Baht 481.61 million, due to the appreciation of USD currency. In contrast, during the year 2019, HPC had adopted accounting policies for
of previous year of 406.89 Million Baht by subsidiaries have decline in sales of steel wires but in contrast subsidiaries distribute electricity and heat energy has increased in sale volume Revenue
. In contrast, services income from providing information technology solutions for electronic devices was relatively stable. As a result, the net profit margin decreased from 21.9% in the previous year
protection to investors, a distinction can usefully be made between ex ante and ex post shareholder rights. Ex ante rights are, for example, pre-emptive rights and qualified majorities for certain decisions
value in AUD currency increased. In contrast, the Company recorded loss on exchange rate of Baht 344.10 million in the 1st quarter of 2018 due to the depreciation of AUD currency in relative to USD
linked to tourism and the export sector. In contrast, consumer spending in some provinces linked to the agricultural sector continued to decelerate in line with lower farm income due to the low price of
value in AUD currency. In contrast, the Company recorded gain on exchange rate of Baht 48.02 million in the 2 nd quarter of 2017 due to the appreciation of AUD currency in relative to USD currency
building customer perception around service quality offering 24- month contracts with guaranteed quality service key differentiation. 3Q21 Operational summary In 3Q21, despite the shop closures for two