. Furthermore, STARK lacked retained earnings or sufficient liquidity to carry out the share repurchase project as disclosed. Such act was deemed a dissemination of false information or details that could
sufficient liquidity to carry out the share repurchase project as disclosed. Such act was deemed a dissemination of false information or details that could materially mislead the public and investors about
lacked retained earnings or sufficient liquidity to carry out the share repurchase project as disclosed. Such act was deemed a dissemination of false information or details that could materially mislead
been fully utilized. Furthermore, STARK lacked retained earnings or sufficient liquidity to carry out the share repurchase project as disclosed. Such act was deemed a dissemination of false information
lacked retained earnings or sufficient liquidity to carry out the share repurchase project as disclosed. Such act was deemed a dissemination of false information or details that could materially mislead
: elements of crime will be revised to be more concise and comprehensible as well as extended to cover non-insider who traded securities by using inside information obtained from others;2) Dissemination of
securities businesses, dissemination of standard reference prices, acting as bond information center for both the primary and secondary markets, as well as posting news and investor alerts promptly. Moreover
television programs. In 2006, the "Inside SEC" television/radio program was launched for wider dissemination of market https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Documents/AnnualReport/pb_ar_2006.pdf Annual Report 2003
urging knowledge dissemination concerning risk and investment in risky assets for higher return in preparation for retirement. Dr. Vorapol Socatiyanurak, SEC Secretary-General said that the first SEC
investments of 161.18 million baht. Therefore, please be informed for this dissemination to investors and interested parties in general acknowledgement. Best regards, --Angoon Phipphkorn-- (Mr. Angoon