the year ended December 31, 2019. The operating results were, Description YE 2018 YE 2019 Differentiate Million THB % Million THB % Million THB % Revenues Revenues from sales of real estate 14,523.1
” For the six- month period ended June 30th, 2019. The operating results were, Description Six-month 2018 Six-month 2019 Differentiate Million THB % Million THB % Million THB % Revenues Revenues from
, 2018. The operating results were, Description Nine-month 2017 Nine-month / 2018 Differentiate (Unit: Million THB) Million THB % Million THB % Million THB % Revenue Revenues from sales of real estate
Quarter3/2019 Differentiate Million THB % Million THB % Million THB % Revenues Revenues from sales of real estate 3,224.7 79.9 3,153.6 86.9 ( 71.1 ) (2.2) Revenues from project management 433.7 10.7 358.4
direction as below. 1. Differentiate marketing activities, promotion, and marketing campaigns to increase brand awareness. Emphasize FN as a BEDDING DESTINATION with house brands which increases profitability
to support the business direction as below. 1. Differentiate marketing campaigns to increase brand awareness 2. Emphasize FN as a DESTINATION with house brands which increases profitability. 3
of the different options available when there is a corporate action. • Differentiate between an unrealised and realised gain/loss. • Regularly review and keep investment account statements, transaction
year. Which is in line with the operating results table shown above. VII Financial Status Description December 31st, 2016 December 31st, 2017 Differentiate MB THB % Total Assets 6,758.4 22,925.4 16,167.0
Company and its subsidiaries had gross margin 6.62 percent. It was an increased compare to the same period of 2016, the gross margin 3.23 percent due at delivery in Quarter 2-2017 as more differentiate in
Differentiate MB THB % Total Assets 6,758.4 11,121.3 4,362.9 64.56 Total Liabilities 4,014.9 7,502.8 3,487.9 86.87 Total Shareholders’ Equity 2,743.5 3,618.5 875.0 31.89 หน้า 5 ของ 5 Total Assets of The Group as