at Baht 76.18 million, decrease of Baht 47.33 million or 38.32% compared to Q2/ 2017, varied to the decreased revenue from sales of land and houses as bellows. List Q2/2018 Q2/2017 increase(decrease
million or 27.14% compared to the same period 2018, varied to the decreased revenue from sales of land and houses as bellows. Description Q1/2019 Q1/2018 increase(decrease) million Baht million Baht million
period of year 2019, the cost of sales at Baht 90.36 million, increase of Baht 14.18 million or 0.19% compared to the same period 2018, varied to the decreased revenue from sales of land and houses as
of year 2019, the cost of sales at Baht 90.36 million, increase of Baht 14.18 million or 0.19% compared to the same period 2018, varied to the decreased revenue from sales of land and houses as bellows
of year 2019, varied to the decreased revenue from sales of land and houses as bellows. (Unit : Million Baht) List Q2/2020 Q2/2019 increase(decrease) Baht Baht Baht % Revenue from sales 85.68 121.53
same period of year 2019, varied to the decreased revenue from sales of land and houses as bellows. (Unit : Million Baht) รายการ Q1/2020 Q1/2019 increase(decrease) Baht Baht Baht % Revenue from sales
million. 2. Cost of sales In the nine months of 2020, the cost of sales at Baht 88.33 million, decrease of Baht 31.47 million or 26.27% compared to the same period of year 2019, varied to the decreased
had committed the several distinct and different offences, the Court inflicted the punishment prescribed for each offence as follows: (1) for being a director who acted to obtain falsified accounts or
▪ ลกูคา้ท าสญัญาวา่จา้ง ใหบ้รษัิทยาเป็นผูผ้ลติยา บรษัิทยาจงึยังคงมชีือ่เป็น โรงงานผูผ้ลติยาตามทะเบยีนต ารับยาดงักลา่ว License is distinct or not distinct from the OEM manufacturing service? How to
in Wood Veneer Project for more wood sourcing channels to supply wood in varied sizes. For improper sizes being produced for company products, they will be in wood veneer production process for sale