accessing or altering such information. The derivatives dealer shall keep the information pertaining to derivatives business undertaking under Paragraph 1 for a period of not less than five years from the
altering such information. The derivatives dealer shall keep the information pertaining to derivatives business undertaking under Paragraph 1 for a period of not less than five years from the date on which
altering such information. The derivatives dealer shall keep the information pertaining to derivatives business undertaking under Paragraph 1 for a period of not less than five years from the date on which
after altering or maintenance. [M] · Providing compliance guideline for operate the software such as personal firewall, password cracker etc. and consistently inspect the operation of software utility. [M
operation effectiveness prior to installment and after altering or maintenance.[M] o Providing compliance guideline for operate the software such as personal firewall, password cracker etc. and consistently
with rules specified by the SEC Office. Clause 5 A derivatives broker shall not engage in any act which results in creating, altering, transferring, reserving or terminating a client’s right over assets
SEC Office. Clause 5 A derivatives broker shall not engage in any act which results in creating, altering, transferring, reserving or terminating a client’s right over assets, without or not complying
SEC Office. Clause 5 A derivatives broker shall not engage in any act which results in creating, altering, transferring, reserving or terminating a client’s right over assets, without or not complying
Review of high-frequency trading and dark liquidity, ASIC 2015 Variable name Variable description intraday_volatility Standard deviation of 15-minute price returns month_volatility The one month running
Document. 2.3. Alignment with other Sector Criteria Table 2: Alignment with other Climate Bonds Standard Sector Criteria manufacturing, altering, repairing, cleaning, washing, breaking-up, adapting or