and its shareholders; and j) conduct an objective board evaluation on a regular basis, consistently seeking to enhance board effectiveness. 1.3 Dialogue The board should make available communication
ensure that the information is clearly written and presented. Integrated reporting is a process founded on joined-up thinking that results in a periodic integrated report by an organisation about how its
and Singapore. Foreign investors also holds Thai Non-Voting Depository Receipts (NVDR), an investment instrument created by the SET to allow foreign investors to invest in companies that otherwise have
หรือถูกศำลมีค ำส่ัง พิทักษ์ทรัพย์เด็ดขำดตำมกฎหมำยว่ำด้วยล้มละลำยนั้น ควำมจ ำเป็นท่ีผู้ลงทุนจะต้องได้รับข้อมูล สรุปผลกำรด ำเนินงำนตำมรอบระยะเวลำ (periodic reports) เพ่ือประกอบกำรตัดสินใจลงทุน น่ำจะน้อย
financial situation, ownership and governance of the company. (ii) Regulators and companies should continue to use the opportunites created by new technologies to enhance the fairness and efficiency of the
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and regular monitoring and amending of the policy. 3. The management should determine the guideline for conducting compliance inspection as follows: (1) Communicate with the related personnel to be
personnel of the policies and the practices as well as a procedure for continuous and regular monitoring and amending of the policy. 3. The management should determine the guideline for conducting compliance
compliance with international standard sustainable investment criteria, and subject to stricter oversight than other regular mutual funds. Once established, Thai ESG Funds must set an investment policy and
governing the representation of the debt securities holders, as well as where the investors may obtain access to the contract. Indicate whether the issuer is required to make periodic disclosure such as