become material as a result of the occurrence of events outside the Issuer's and the Guarantor's control. The Issuer and the Guarantor have identified in this Prospectus a number of factors which could
rights, construct, purchase, provide, sell, dispose, rent lease, hire purchase, grant of hire purchase, borrow, lend accept pledge, accept mortgage, exchange, transfer, accept transfer, or take any action
rights, construct, purchase, provide, sell, dispose, rent lease, hire purchase, grant of hire purchase, borrow, lend accept pledge, accept mortgage, exchange, transfer, accept transfer, or take any action
neither strong nor independent-minded enough in most cases to substantially influence deci- sion making by the board. 3 Tunnelling refers to the transfer of resources in favour of the majority owner‟s
Establishment of Branch Office and Serving Customers by an Asset Management Company outside Its Office Premises and Office Hours (No. 2)
strongly advised to thoroughly check and make sure that all receipts or evidence of payment are issued by the companies in charge. In case of making an agreement to buy an investment product outside the
service providers involved in trading, exchange, custody, transfer, money withdrawal or any transactions related to digital assets in Thailand must obtain a license in accordance with the Emergency Decree
prepared with the financial advisor. Clause 21 If the SEC Office deems it necessary to visit the place of business or other premises of the Thai government agencies located outside Bangkok Metropolitan Area
........................................................................................................... 30 3.4.2. Hydropower ........................................................................................................ 33 3.5. Transportation
Management Name : Mr SUTHICHAI YOON | Type of securities : Common share | Methods of Acquisition / Disposition : Transfer | Transaction Date : 25/11/2015