from deferred tax on relating to origination and reversal of temporary differences. Please be informed accordingly. Sincerely Yours, ( Mr. Nipon Leelasithorn ) Chairman of the Executive Director, and
to the timing differences of taxable income or expenses. Please be informed accordingly. Yours sincerely (Mr. Wichai Intaranukulkij) Managing Director
economy in the long run. Dr. Jitipol Puksamatanan, researcher, Faculty of Business Administration, NIDA said that the result of study illustrated differences in risks and returns based on CG levels of
profit margin for the year 2019 was mainly due to differences in product mix and the impact derived from adoption of USD as the Company’s functional currency which in resulting of lowered cost evaluation
profit margin was mainly in related to differences in product mix as compared to previous year. 3. Selling and Administrative Expenses For the third quarter of year 2017, the Company’s SG&A expenses was Bt
to 4.74% in 2019. The increase of gross profit margin was mainly due to differences in product mix and the impact derived from adoption of USD as the Company’s functional currency which in resulting of
million. 2. Other income amount Baht 28.69 million, an increase of Baht 12.88 million or 81.52% due to income from currency conversion differences of foreign operation of subsidiary companies. 3. Cost of
the first half of year 2018 decreased from 5.85% to 4.02% as compared to the same period of last year. The decrease of gross profit margin was mainly due to differences in product mix and the impact
currency conversion differences of foreign operation of subsidiary companies compared to the same period in year 2017. 3. Cost of sales amount Baht 272.30 million, a decrease of Baht 0.56 million or 0.21
from the net profit and deferred tax on relating to origination and reversal of temporary differences. Please be informed accordingly. Sincerely Yours, ( Mr. Nipon Leelasithorn ) Chairman of the