Bangkok, 25 January 2018 ? The SEC is seeking public comments on a draft amendment to the rules governing issuance and offering of derivative warrants (DW) to require additional and continuing
period last year. The company’s profit from continuing operations was THB 11,105 million, increased byTHB 3,571 million from the same period last year, and the profit margin for the year ended December 31
from the previous year by 9.60 million Baht or 10.31%. The decrease is due to continuing slowdown of Non- Destructive testing services market since last year and decreased from the revenue from the
SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol said: “Giving sufficient useful information on debt securities to investors and the general public is one of our continuing priorities. On 27 December
Statement for Companies Disclosing Greenhouse Gas Emission Data, dated 10 March 2021. The fee deduction measures will expire at the end of 2023. To render continuing support to the measures, the SEC is
and continuing, which caused the trading of such securities contradicted normal market conditions in order to persuade other investors to buy or sell such securities. That is, she acted as follows
concealing and continuing, which caused the trading of such securities contradicted normal market conditions in order to persuade other investors to buy or sell such securities. That is, he acted as follows
and continuing, which caused the trading of such securities contradicted normal market conditions in order to persuade other investors to buy or sell such securities. That is, he acted as follows
continuing, which caused the trading of such securities contradicted normal market conditions in order to persuade other investors to buy or sell such securities. That is, he acted as follows: - 12 December
concealing and continuing, which caused the trading of such securities contradicted normal market conditions in order to persuade other investors to buy or sell such securities. That is, he acted as follows