Company introduced its new products in this year, which are SnailWhite Gold Tripple Lift Serum, 4 formulas of Prettii Face Serum and Oxe’cure Acne Clear Potion. Marketing communication was conducted
ทัง้ ในไตรมำส2/2562 บริษัทฯ ได้ออกสินค้ำใหม ่ คือ Snailwhite Gold Tripple Lift Serum และ Prettii Face Serum 4 สตูร และ Oxe’cure Acne Clear Potion ในช่วงปลำยไตรมำส3/2562 ซึ่งสินค้ำที่ออกใหม่ดังกล่ำวมีกำร
้ เนื่องจำกมีระยะเวลำที่บรษัิทฯตอ้งตก ลงแผนลว่งหนำ้ (Lead time) เช่น ค่ำใชจ้่ำยโฆษณำตำมสื่อต่ำงๆ อีกทัง้ในปี 2562 บรษัิทฯ ไดอ้อกสนิคำ้ใหม่จ ำนวน 10 ผลติภัณฑ ์ดงันี ้ 1. SNAILWHITE GOLD TRIPPLE LIFT SERUM 2
ใช้จ่ำยโฆษณำตำมส่ือต่ำงๆ อีกทัง้ ในไตรมำส2/2562 บริษัทฯ ได้ออกสินค้ำใหม ่ คือ Snailwhite Gold Tripple Lift Serum และ Prettii Face Serum 4 สตูร โดยเน้นกำรส่ือสำรให้ครอบคลมุทัว่ประเทศ นอกจำกนีบ้ริษัทฯ
into a restaurant of Carnival Magic Project. The lift will be designed and decorated in a unique carnival theme where it can move up 8 meters from ground level along with the fountain and lighting. It
the EGM held on 12 October 2018, U City’s shareholders approved a series of remedial transactions such as (1) the capital reduction to clear the Company’s deficit - which would greatly lift the
hand sanitizers, limit number of passengers in a lift, and set the policy that all tenants wear face masks. The Company is also implementing safe work practices to limit exposure to COVID-19 e.g
the buildings, provide hand sanitizers, limit number of passengers in a lift, and set the policy that all tenants wear face masks. The Company is also implementing safe work practices to limit exposure
complete the first franchisee contract by this year Outlook on business opportunities from lift of curfew measures With the government measures to control the spread of COVID-19 pandemic, especially the
ecosystems and ecological processes to deliver services for humans are both highly variable and confusing and continue to proliferate. Rather than create new terms with these Criteria, we have focused on a