. Seminars and conferences are other common ways to work together and share know-how. Having external individuals as representatives on sub-committees that review or formulate new regula- tions was another
markets. At the end of 2012, the SET Index closed at 1,391.93 points or a 35.76 percent increase, a record high in the past 16 years. The market capitalization was 11,964.47 billion baht, or a 41.01 percent
owners of the Company of THB 5,778 million, or earning per shares of THB 4.20. For Q4/2017, the company and its subsidiaries recorded revenue from sales and rendering of services of THB 46,306 million, an
to the owners of the company of THB 2,463 million, or earning per shares of THB 1.79. For Q4/2018 performance, the company and its subsidiaries recorded revenue from sales and rendering of services at
Directional Strategy) 2. การสรางผลตอบแทนจากสวนตางระหวางอัตราดอกเบี้ยระยะยาว และอ ัตราดอกเบ ี ้ยระยะส ั ้น โดยใชกลย ุทธ Interest Rate Curve Strategy กองทุนเปดอีสทสปริง Alpha Bonds หนา 4 / 80 3. การ