. ?Instead of making groundless accusations, all authorities involved in the investigation should be rendering their cooperation in scrutinizing the case and clarifying all the facts. We would not mind being
During the meeting, both parties discussed the importance of enhancing cooperation between CSRC and SEC Thailand based on MoU signed in 2007, in response to global and regional challenges, and
Bangkok, September 24, 2012 ? CFA Institute in cooperation with the SEC and CFA Society Thailand will host an international event ?Thailand Investment Conference? on 5th October, 2012 at Conrad
Bangkok, September 24, 2012 ? CFA Institute in cooperation with the SEC and CFA Society Thailand will host an international event ?Thailand Investment Conference? on 5th October, 2012 at Conrad
SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol has announced key progresses concluded at the meeting with HK counterparts, as follows: (1) SEC and SFC will continue to work on the regulatory mapping exercises whereby a common ground has been established on 3 January 2020 regarding mutual recognition of funds. At the preliminary stage, both parties agreed on cross-border offerings of funds which includes plain vanilla funds and passive ETF. Both regulators are expecting to concl...
Bangkok, February 10, 2014 ? Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) discussed with the Thai Bankers? Association (TBA) and the Association of International Banks (AIB), on the commercial banks? roles to support their subsidiaries? overseas business expansion and the services of personal asset allocation as well as wealth advisory. SEC Secretary-General Vorapol Socatiyanurak said after the first 2014 semi-annual meeting with top executives of Thai and foreign commercial banks that the commer...
On December 17, 2004, the SEC in cooperation with the Royal Thai Police (inquiry officials of Thonglor Metropolitan Police Station) conducted a raid at the Building No. 139, 6th Fl., Room 6B1 and 6B2
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), represented by Ms. Archinee Pattamasukhon, Assistant Secretary-General and Head of the Complaint Center, accepted the Outstanding Cooperation Award
SEC Secretary-General said “With respect to the policy of SEC to enhance the protection for investors in the capital market, auditors and audit firms is deemed to play an important part in the process to achieve that goal. SEC has proposed to hire a researcher to conduct a study on the legislations relating to audit firms and auditors supervision in foreign country which will be taken into account in amendment of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (Securities and Exchange Act) to al...
Executives and representatives from key public and private agencies such as the Thai Listed Companies Association, Tisco Financial Group Public Company Limited, the Thai Institute of Directors Association, PricewaterhouseCoopers ABAS Limited, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Jaiyos Company Limited and Kasikorn Asset Management Company Limited participated in a discussion on preparation and disclosure in accordance with the new CG Code. Participants from more than 250 listed companies were in atten...