Experiences Director General of Department of Intellectual Property , Ministry of Commerce Director General, Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce Inspector General, Office of the https
than in 2021, economic activity and domestic consumption are expected to gradually improve. AIS will focus on building the foundations to be a ‘Cognitive Telco’ that accelerates network intelligence and
remains unchanged in building our foundation of ‘Cognitive Tech-Co’ and strive to deliver superior service excellence for our customers in all segments. • Mobile revenue remains under pressure – Heighten
income segment. The lower purchasing power might be the key pressure on industry ARPU. However, our focus remains unchanged in building our foundation of ‘Cognitive Tech-Co’ and strive to deliver superior
income segment. The lower purchasing power might be the key pressure on industry ARPU. However, our focus remains unchanged in building our foundation of ‘Cognitive Tech-Co’ and strive to deliver superior
pressure on industry ARPU. However, our focus remains unchanged in building our foundation of ‘Cognitive Tech-Co’ and strive to deliver superior service excellence for our customers in all segments. • Mobile
อนาคต (Scenario Foresight) เพื่อคาดการณ์สถานการณ์เศรษฐกิจดิจิทัลของประเทศ ซึ่งสำนักงานคณะกรรมการดิจิทัลเพื่อเศรษฐกิจและสังคมแห่งชาติ หรือ สดช. ร่วมกับทีมที่ปรึกษาจากศูนย์บริการวิชาการแห่งจุฬาลงกรณ์
?Preparing for Happy Retirement? to urge those at working and near retirement ages to realize importance on preparation for financial as well as mental and physical health prior to beginning of the new stage
, including the legal due diligence, use of the intellectual property in relation to the project and the execution of the shareholders agreement, provided however that the Transaction will be completed within
Provider) สู่ Cognitive Tech-Co ดว้ยการพฒันารากฐานส าคญั 3 แกน ไดแ้ก่ โครงขา่ยอตัโนมตัิ (Autonomous Network), ระบบไอทอีจัฉรยิะ (IT Intelligence) และ การวเิคราะหข์อ้มลู (Data Analytics) เพือ่ผลกัดนัการเตบิโต