party has doubts relating to the statement in the dispute resolution, such party may file, through the Office, a motion (UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION) - 10 - requesting the arbitrator to interpret such
. Automation segment is a business segment which designs, manufactures, and installations of industrial and building automation. The main products are Machine automation, Industrial motion system, Smart sensor
, Industrial motion system, Smart sensor system and Lighting automation for building etc. In 2019, the consolidated sales revenues amount 51,172 million baht slightly decreased 3.6% from 2018 and increased 4.0
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new trustee shall file a motion with the court to issue an order to declare that the new trustee has been fully vested with the trust property. In cases where the former trustee or the surviving trustee
undertake the actions within the period specified in the previous paragraph, the new trustee shall file a motion with the court to issue an order to declare that the new trustee has been fully vested with the
undertake the actions within the period specified in the previous paragraph, the new trustee shall file a motion with the court to issue an order to declare that the new trustee has been fully vested with the
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Machine automation, Industrial motion system, Smart sensor system and Lighting automation for building. Sales revenue structure by BU/BG In 2017, consolidated sales revenues were slightly increased, 5.1
) of a company whereas collective action is usually just collection of independent votes that are in the same direction for a motion. Concert party rules will only apply where investors are seeking to