of securities to prevent excessive burdens on debt issuers; (3) Revising regulations to be clearer, concise and easy to understand. The consultation paper is available at https://www.sec.or.th/TH
these amendments is to require advertisement and disclosure of trigger funds to be more inclusive to give investors a clearer picture of this type of fund so that they would have correct and complete
Consumers Council. To provide the audience with a clearer picture of class action legal proceedings, the panelists discussed and exchanged views and experience, theoretical and practical, in relation to this
suggestions gathered from the previous hearing on the principles of the said rules conducted in January. Essentially, the draft rules emphasize the improvement of information disclosure and clearer warning of
ecosystem to ensure that investors have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the subordinated perpetual bond by (1) revising the risk acknowledgment form for clearer and easier presentation including
clearer view of impact. All-in-one tool A comprehensive tool that covers the whole impact management process, from impact planning, indicator selection, data collection to monitoring and evaluation. Phase 1
Socatiyanurak) Secretary-General Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission Note: please note that the contents added in brackets [….] have only been provided in the English version for clearer
[….] have only been provided in the English version for clearer understanding.
assets in accordance with the Derivatives Act B.E. 2546 (2003) to ensure clearer protection of customer assets. The main focuses of the proposed regulations are as follows: 1. Where a
disclosure of the related party transactions during the past there years; - clearer disclosure of the funding objective in the registration statement and more flexibility in case of change to such objective