market efficiency, fairness, transparency, and accountability by focusing on market confidence, reduction of systemic risk, and investor protection. Focuses of each area are as follows: Equity
market efficiency, fairness, transparency, and accountability by focusing on market confidence, reduction of systemic risk, and investor protection. Focuses of each area are as follows: Equity
market efficiency, fairness, transparency, and accountability by focusing on market confidence, reduction of systemic risk, and investor protection. Focuses of each area are as follows: Equity
market efficiency, fairness, transparency, and accountability by focusing on market confidence, reduction of systemic risk, and investor protection. Focuses of each area are as follows: Equity
flexibility and clarity. The revisions include, for instance, allowing issuance of structured notes denominated in Thai and foreign currencies; harmonizing issuers? types and qualifications both in public
Bangkok, January 21, 2014 ? The SEC revised rules governing provident fund investment for more clarity and flexibility in line with international standards. The new rules have become effective in
could affect the preparation of financial statements of listed companies. The main objective of the guidelines is to ensure clarity of application of accounting standards in financial statements of
clarity, insights, and tools required to support and authenticate their contributions to achieving the SDGs. All enterprises -- irrespective of size, geography, or sector -- can use the Standards. The
progresses in the areas of market supervision and development, such as quality enhancement of IPO issuers and listed companies, legal enforcement in various cases, and improved transparency and fairness in
guidanceAs legislation has been drafted and administrative arrangements put in place, some additional clarity can now be provided about the laws that will apply in each economy to incoming Passport Funds. The