This is according to Mr. Akeyuth Anchanbutr?s statement through various media claiming that: (1) There are politicians involving with the SCIB-C1 price manipulation; and (2) He also possesses
crisis at IFEC. He has also failed to carry out his duty for the benefit of IFEC and its shareholders. There have been many complaints against Mr. Suphanan, alleging that his behaviors have damaged both
to complete the transactions. The client had given prior consent to her act claiming it was inconvenient to affix signature in person at the time. Despite no intention to conceal information in the
capital market. The fraudulent activities include forging licenses and falsely claiming certification of the SEC and official authorities. There were deceptive uses of names and images of market
received a letter from Mrs. Phanna Chumbuathong, requesting to be postponed the final payment of the share payment for 6 months, claiming that the contract will be due on 26 December 2019. The company
failed to show evidence of their clients trading orders, and most of them admitted that they had taken orders via mobile phone, claiming the clients unfamiliarity with order execution via phone recording
) Plc., committed dishonest acts during 2006-2008. She deceived a foreign investor into affixing his signature on a blank securities withdrawal/transfer form, claiming that the client could not receive
for RHB Securities (Thailand) Public Company Limited, advised the client to buy shares of a company, claiming that such company was in the listing process of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), when
Bangkok, May 30, 2011- Following Thoresen Thai Agency Plc., (TTA)disclosed through the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) that on May 27, 2011, 75 shareholders claiming to hold 72,212,550 shares or
interests, and that the market value of all assets was approximately 1,400 million baht. Instead of claiming such rights for the benefit of N-PARK, he then had them assigned to DCH Co., Ltd., Mrs