expanding more online service channels to customers and reduced the Company’s operation cost. As a result, the Cardless transactions currently accounted for 30% of total personal loan sales. 52% 30% 5% 13
expanding more online service channels to customers and reduced the Company’s operation cost. As a result, the Cardless transactions currently accounted for 30% of total personal loan sales. 52% 30% 5% 13
pursuing debt collection respectively. The Company has been expanding more online service channels to customers and reduced the Company’s operation cost. As a result, the Cardless transactions currently
, the Cardless transactions currently accounted for 78% of total personal loan sales. 26% 66% 3% 5% Total Sales 81,145 MB 50% 31% 5% 14% Loans Credit card Hire Purchase Other Total Revenues 20,791 4
expanding more online service channels to customers and reduced the Company’s operation cost. As a result, the Cardless transactions currently accounted for 91% of total personal loan sales. 4 - Hire Purchase
been expanding more online service channels to customers and reduced the Company’s operation cost. As a result, the Cardless transactions currently accounted for 95% of total personal loan sales which
the Company’s branches. In addition, a variety of online transaction channels have resulted in the Cardless transactions currently accounted for 95% of total personal loan sales, which Promptpay service
ช่องทำง ส่งผลให้กำรกดเงินสดโดยไม่ใช้บตัร (Cardless Withdrawal) จำกตู้ เอทีเอ็มและ บริกำร PromptPay รวมคิดเป็นสดัสว่นร้อยละ 58 ของจ ำนวนยอดสนิเช่ือเงินกู้ทัง้หมด 23% 64% 4% 9% 50% 31% 5% 14% Loans Credit
KBank. For the Cardless transactions currently accounted for 17% of total personal loan sales. Moreover, loan income from AEON Microfinance (Myanmar) Company Limited in the fiscal year of 2019 grew by 48
เป็นการ อํานวยความสะดวกให้แก่ลกูค้ามากขึ 'นและยงัเป็นการลดต้นทุนการดําเนินงานของบริษัทฯ ซึ%งทําให้สมาชิกบตัรอิออน สามารถทําธุรกรรมสินเชื%อเงินสดหมนุเวียนได้หลากหลายช่องทาง สําหรับบริการ Cardless Withdrawal